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Sun, 02 Feb 2003

Who weeps for Columbia?
The events of yesterday, February 1, 2003, were tragic. I won't dispute that.

People throughout this country are shocked, and filled with sorrow. Churches, synagogues, and mosques are having memorials to allow people an outlet for their grief.

7 brave men and women went up in space to touch the face of god, only to burn up in a fiery death while they were so close to home. Tragic? Yes, it was.

But, who's weeping for the other victims of Columbia?

No, I'm not talking about the families of the shuttle disaster. I'm talking about the peasant farmers in the South American country. For over a hundred years, the United States has waged one war, or another, against the country of Simon Bolivars dreams.

The first war was waged by Teddy Bear Roosevelt. You see, he had a man, a plan, and a canal. But he didn't have Panama. Roosevelt wanted a canal to allow him to expand the United States' military might. The problem was that Columbia, the country that owned the Isthmus of Panama, didn't like the idea.

In 1903, the United States provided aid to a revolutionary group that wanted to seperate from Columbia. These people wanted their own country. We provided them with money, and military advisors. Shortly after the revolution began, the citizens of Panama won their independence.

The US ackowledges Panama's independence within 24 hours. Within a week we had a signed treaty giving us the right to build a canal.

Now, a hundred years later, we wage a different kind of war in Columbia. The war we wage is the "War Against Drugs". It is a war in which we have spent countless billions of dollars, taken countless innocent lives, and given up many of our freedoms.

For the past several years, the US State Department in conjunction with the military government of Columbia, has had a campaign aimed at eradicating the coca and poppy fields of Columbia. The eradication is most often done by having helicopters spray a herbicidal witches brew over villages suspected of having poppy fields.

Young children are gassed by the herbicide. Livestock and food crops are killed by the herbicide. Groundwater is contaminated by the herbicide.

All of these crimes occur under the orders of our President and State Department. Families watch as their lives are stolen by someone they don't know, by a policy that is unfair, and with goals that are impossible to achieve.

Sure, the shuttle is tragic, but, who in the United States weeps for Columbia?

Posted at: 14:17 on 02/02/2003   [ /essays ] #

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