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Fri, 10 Sep 2004

Life with Frances
This is going to be pretty quick, mostly because I'm supposed to be somewhere else in about 30 minutes, but I wanted to put something on the 'ole blog to make it official.

On Sunday, September 5th, 2004, at 12:30PM, Hurricane Frances knocked the power out of the house. Power was restored today, September 10th, around 2PM.

As far as hurricanes go, Frances caused very little wind damage. Where Frances was devastating was that it kept raining on Gainesville for 36 hours. We received somewhere between 20 and 24 inches of rain between Sunday and Tuesday morning.

The water weakened the soil, and so, so many trees fell. Giant Laurel Oaks, giants up to 100' tall, fell as if they were a bunch of tin soldiers pushed over by an angry toddler.

We lost half of a pine tree. The top, snapped off like a toothpick, hurtled towards the earth in front of our very eyes.

It missed Sandy's car by less than a foot.

After Frances left our tiny village, the restoration began. Life started to renew itself, people started to move about, activity started to flourish. Although 70,000 people were out of power, or had their homes destroyed by felled giants, or found that their living room had been returned to a primordial swamp, we persevered.

Neighbors helped neighbors. Paula brought us a bag of ice, so that we may try to salvage the food in our freezer. The gesture was nice, but it was for naught. We had to toss all of the food as it had gone rancid and sour.

Ruth and Craig were the first ones to offer us a bed at night. They knew the sweltering heat must have been intolerable, and we took them up on their offer this past Wednesday.

On Thursday, Philip and Susan offered up their daughters bed so that we may sleep in comfort. They moved Kate in with their son Thomas for the evening. We shared with them a fine microbrew, Dogfish Head Shelter Pale Ale. We figured it was a fitting beer given the circumstances of our lodging.

Here's a copy of a letter I wrote to several dear friends around the world. Those of you who did not receive it, I apologize, but I didn't have access to my complete address book.

So, life continues once again. Take care my friends.

Posted at: 20:55 on 10/09/2004   [ /diary ] #

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