Ken's Thoughts...
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Sun, 09 Mar 2003

Greg emailed me yesterday and said "Let's go to Daytona so I can see
Corbin, rather than just going to lunch." We wound up leaving at 9am from Joe's Corner (tm) and made our way to Bike Week.

Once Greg was done screwing around with his bike, and we were able to really get on the road (9:27), we made pretty good time and arrived in Daytona by 11am. I wanted to stop at the Honzuwasaki dealership to get some new rain gear, but they were closed :-(.

After stopping for a moment, we continued on to the Corbin Factory.. Boy, was that a mess because it's right on the "parade route" for Bike Week. Greg and I did our obligatory parade lap, but that was just because we were trying to get to the Corbin parking lot. There's a photo I took while doing our parade lap.

Greg bought himself a new saddle, and then we decided to walk up and down the strip. I'm currently looking for a pair of riding pants, new rain gear, and a pair of riding boots, so we hit all of the shops on Main street.

Unfortunately, there was nothing that I was looking for. I suppose I could have gotten Sandy a leather bikini but I've never really been a big fan of that look.

While we were walking up and down the street, I saw a grungy looking couple which turned out to be Simon and Monika who are on a world tour by GS. I thought it was pretty cool seeing them on Main street since I had just seen their web-site within the previous 48 hours.

Goddard and I then grabbed lunch before heading back in the rain. As I was expecting, it poured cats and dogs on us. c'est liet vie.

Posted at: 22:00 on 09/03/2003   [ / ] #


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Linux on a CTX FC2A300
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